Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Blog Update

Greetings, my wonderful readers.  As you may know, it is now February.  And February means only one thing in my profession: tax season.  I now work 10 hours three days a week and starting next Saturday, 8 hours on weekends.  This means during the week I have at most three hours of awake time par day.  Which means, simply, there will be fewer screenings and fewer postings.  And it will only get worse.

However, I will still work on this blog.  For the next ten to eleven weeks, I will do my best to create at least two posts a week.  This month, there will be at least one opening day review (next Friday), one guest review (this Friday), a "5 Questions for Oscar Night" post or posts, reviews of (hopefully) all 9 Best Picture nominees, the obligatory predictions post, and a special tribute/commentary post in a few weeks.  I will Tweet as often as I can, which includes live-Tweeting movies from Netflix or network TV (I am too poor to have HBO or Showtime).

During this time, I ask for patience.  I love my job, no matter how boring it may appear sometimes.  Without my job, there is no blog for everyone to enjoy, no way to see some wonderful images that I have enjoyed as much as I have.  Come April 18th, I will come back with a vengeance.

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